Pedagogy -the study of teaching

As part of the Royal Conservatory Exam Program, I am able to offer classes in Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced Piano teaching.  I have had the pleasure of working with local piano teachers to hone not only their piano skills but also their teaching skills.  We study how to teach.  It's very exciting to watch these young professional who have the desire to set up their own studios.  With these pedagogy classes - combined with their piano performance exams and theory requirements - my pedagogy students earn their  Elementary Level Piano Pedagogy endorsement from the Royal Conservatory of Toronto.  The completion of the full program gives them an Associate Degree in Piano Performance and Advanced Pedagogy aka their ARCT.


I have also worked with one gal to received her NCTM (Nationally Certified Teacher of Music).  This endorsement comes from the Music Teachers National Association. This was very exciting for us because it was a full year of preparing and writing and teaching and video taping - a huge project to submit.  I am so proud of her.    

There is nothing more rewarding then to see someone become passionate about piano and want to teach it.  BUT more than that, someone who takes the time to study and learn all that he/she can to become a well prepared teacher.  Just because you can play, doesn't mean you can teach.  These pedagogy classes help ensure that they will be good at both!